Metro-Chicago FCA Logo
Group of students sitting on a stone wall reading Bibles.

Starting A Huddle

Ready to learn more about impacting your area for Christ?

  1. Pray.
  2. Contact your local FCA staff or board members. They can give you a better understanding of FCA and the campus ministry and answer questions. Contact your area rep to find an FCA huddle near you.
  3. Visit FCACampus101.
  4. Click here to complete the Ministry Leader Application form.
  5. Have an FCA team member certify your campus.
  6. Identify student leaders and coaches. Identify those who are more likely to be leaders and volunteer their time.
  7. Hold an organizational meeting. Have a meeting with those who want to learn more about FCA.
  8. Review Resources: We provide everything you need to succeed in our Campus Ministry Kit, and much more.
  9. Visit for the materials from the campus ministry kit as well as resources provided by YOU the student.